Posts, a community app by

Jamie Sigadel
Jamie Sigadel

This week I've been testing out Figma Slides (are we calling it Flides?) and it seems to present as expected for the most part.. I still have to hop into Figma prototypes for certain things, though, and I would rather not have to do that at all

Jamie Sigadel reposted

While I’m employed (on contract) how can those of us with work support you, if you don’t have work? I’m not as good with nebulous requests in my personal life, but I want to help. I’m down to do a portfolio review or listen. Don’t go through a hard time alone if you can help it.

Jamie Sigadel

I have a Linkedin hot take ready to go but with everything going on politically it just doesn't feel important to post right now lol Honestly this is a good day for feeling optimistic so just going to bask in that feeling for awhile 🌞

Jamie Sigadel

Was reading someone else's comment on AI and how companies are creating synthetic "consumers" which made me realize: Companies are going to want to do "research" with fake people lol