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Cindy Wu

clearing out my bookcase to make room for other books if you want one send me your address and i will snail mail you a book of your choice for the price of zero dollars

Replying to @cindywu

If three’s a charm, could i get primer for stargazers, Radical Friends Please and Exit to community 🍀- if not, the first two is awesome! Tysmm!

Cindy Wu
Replying to @sundown

radical friends got taken 🥲 primer for stargazers and exit to community are yours!

Replying to @cindywu

Beggars cant be choosers 🥲, thank you though still! I’ll send you my details on your twitter dm!

Replying to @cindywu

hi cindy! just sent a dm now! let me know how that goes - thanks again 🤭

Cindy Wu
Replying to @sundown

hm, i don't see it. on posts or twitter?

Replying to @cindywu

Twitter! Ill send another with a picture of a lemon!

Cindy Wu
Replying to @sundown

😅 i am finally getting around to finishing this project. sorry for the delay. you still interested in the books? sent you some electronic mail asking for mailing address.

Replying to @cindywu

I’m super excited for the books! Sent you some electronic mail with the address enclosed! Also don’t apologise, this is happening on time ❤️📚