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Olivia Cheng

If you’re someone who has a busy schedule and does a lot of context switching, how do you carve out time for deep thinking? I’d love to hear how you approach this or what strategies you’ve tried.

Olivia Cheng
Replying to @clint

rad that you were able to carve out focused space that worksfor you! that’s pretty dang early though 🫠 and noticeably not during your actual workday.

Josh Santangelo
Replying to @clint @heyitsolivia

So does that mean you’re working 12hrs a day? Currently have a couple projects I could knock out with a solid block of focus time… fantasizing of just taking a “focus week” like PTO.

Clint McManaman
Replying to @endquote @heyitsolivia

Not necessarily, it fluctuates between 8-10 hrs and doesn’t always equate to the job I’m on now. A focus week sounds lovely, but I’d also have to not be at home because: distractions. So, early mornings allow for bite size chunks of side hustles, deep learning, ideas.