Posts, a community app by

Darian Rosebrook

Hey y’all! Can we get an #introductions thread going? (Also, search doesn’t work for posts so I couldn’t scroll far back to see if any was created) There’s many new and familiar faces, and it’s cool to see so many great types of designers all together. Share some stuff!

Frederique 🎨
Replying to @darianrosebrook

Hey! I’m Frederique and I’m a digital illustrator who now spends most time painting. But in a bigger sense I enjoy making things. I love knitting and sewing at the moment but if I had a shed I’d love to be woodworking too. One day. :))

Darian Rosebrook
Replying to @daneden @frederique

Lol I had this same reaction (: I totally agree with needing a workshop of sorts. Then I could have much more room in the office. You can’t beat the feeling making something physically with your hands. A great feeling lol

Frederique 🎨
Replying to @daneden @darianrosebrook

Thanks Dan!