Posts, a community app by

Daniel Feodoroff

Some examples of how I am trying to incorporate their colours into the designs. Some extra colours have been added for things like money in and out, pending card transactions and category icons. Dark mode will look a lot better than light mode but the client wants both 🫤

Robson Severo
Replying to @danielfeodoroff

Light theme Use red as accent color for decoration and strong actions Most actions use charcoal as primary color and light gray as secondary Dark theme Same thing but white or light gray as primary and dark gray as secondary action.

Robson Severo
Replying to @danielfeodoroff

Check how Pinterest uses red and Uber shades of gray

Robson Severo
Replying to @danielfeodoroff

The ideia is to make everything black and white and use red the least. Try to add it to illustrations or patterns.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @danielfeodoroff

Tell them they don’t want to be sued because they’re app is inaccessible..

Akshara Dash
Replying to @danielfeodoroff

I’d use black and white for buttons too and red sparingly

Nic Musolino
Replying to @danielfeodoroff

Use non-brand colors for any elements that aren't large/significant and tell them you need contrast to effect good UX (basically if they don't have a brand guide that has low level specs, gently tell them it's insufficient).