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Malte Müller
Replying to @danmall

did you play wearing your apple watch? just curious, i play ball myself, and i was unaware this was a thing.

Dan Mall
Replying to @maltemueller

Yep, I wear my Apple Watch every time

Laura 🦄
Replying to @danmall @maltemueller

I’d be soooo scared to accidentally break it while playing! This is what kept me from getting an Apple Watch in the first place (been doing martial arts for 10 years) 😭

Replying to @danmall

Hopefully you still had some fun! 😊 Insane caloric burn! How many steps was that?

Dan Mall
Replying to @davor

So much fun! 8,662 steps

artem @01
Replying to @danmall

It doesn’t burn this much, numbers are inflated