Posts, a community app by

Laura 🦄
Laura 🦄 reposted

While I’m employed (on contract) how can those of us with work support you, if you don’t have work? I’m not as good with nebulous requests in my personal life, but I want to help. I’m down to do a portfolio review or listen. Don’t go through a hard time alone if you can help it.

Laura 🦄

My hot take about USA politics right now is that while I appreciate Biden finally stepping aside, it’s also yet another example of women & Black folks having to swoop in to clean up old white men’s messes 😬🙊

Laura 🦄

My best friend has a lithography print shop in Sweden in a barn he fixed up and yesterday I did some drawing on a litho stone. Printing today and mega excited to do this! (Also very proud of how this turned out considering “I am not good at drawing”) 🤍

Detailed drawing of a mountain range on a lithography stone
Laura 🦄

Took us four days by car with a 4yo and a dog in the back seat but we made it to my bestie’s house in Sweden 🤍

Red wooden house with a porch and a tree in the front yard
Laura 🦄

I’ve been working on a new freelance project with some former coworkers of mine who are starting a new company. I get to start completely from scratch and do visual and non-visual branding as well as design their new platform and it’s been so exciting and interesting 🤩

Laura 🦄

Can’t wait to finally get a haircut today for the first time in 4 years ✌🏼 Bonus: the hairdresser partners with an organisation that builds ocean cleaning filters out of human hair. Mind blown 🤯

Woman in summer jumpsuit with her long hair open and down to her waist