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Dan Newman

Watching the announcement of Sora from OpenAI has left me shocked. I’ve tried to stay positive and experiment with a lot of AI tools, but I’m now moving from excited to worried.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @danserif

I find myself mostly feeling bad for whoever's content is being used without their permission to make these examples, which.. aren't particularly good imo but I could see how they might be impressive to non-creative people

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @danserif

The silver lining is knowing there will always be people who can appreciate the difference.. Not sure how that is reconciled in the short-term, though (c)

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @danserif

It feels inevitable that there will be at least one lawsuit where someone can make a solid case for their work being blatantly repurposed so.. looking forward to that lol (d)

Dan Newman
Replying to @jsiggy

Yeah, it does feel like it will take a case to highlight that! But it feels so far along I don’t know what impact that’ll have? I think people who can appreciate the difference and have taste (and attention to detail) will have a role, just not like how we work now.

Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @danserif

It seems like there's an endless list of possible repercussions that should've been more thoughtfully considered before this technology materialized but.. yeah that ship has sailed 😵‍💫 Just another day in tech