I made a shadcn Figma kit! 🕺 Included: • Tailwind colors • Semantic colors in light/dark • Type variables & styles • Effects • shadcn components • Example pages • Space variables figma.com/community/file…
No variable is an island, and that's why I think we've gotten semantic naming conventions all wrong* read.cv/disco_lu/varia…
Really proud to share Simple Design System, which I’ve been working with @jak_e on for the past couple of months It’s a base kit available in Figma by default, and backed with a React codebase that’s fully Code Connected figma.com/community/file…
Variables for typography are live! I've published a "starter kit" to the community, with examples 🙌 There are variables for: 1) Font family 2) Font weight 3) Line height 4) Font size figma.com/community/file…
New guide alert 🚨 "Component naming manifesto" It's a rough set of recommendations (opinions!) on how to approach component, prop, and value naming within Figma component libraries figma.com/community/file…