Posts, a community app by

Ed Macovaz
Ed Macovaz

Creating simplified UI snippets for a marketing website is a great way to convince yourself to redesign your whole product to make it that simple…

Ed Macovaz

Wish Figma would stop warning me changes aren’t syncing when they actually are. Isn’t this how Chernobyl happened?

Ed Macovaz

Looking for inclusive, realistic, properly sourced (not scraped without permission) user images and names to create sample data for prototyping some admin UI. Struggling to find anything good in Google or Figma community. Any recommendations?

Ed Macovaz

Every now and then I realise there isn’t really dark yellow and it makes me sad.

Ed Macovaz

Apple has pushed a lot of people to raise the bar on their products, but I also blame them for a world where even vacuums and CSS frameworks now have keynotes.