Posts, a community app by

Elly Hsieh
Elly Hsieh

Just published a wrap-up of my 6-month tech job hunt journey. Get a glimpse of the (not so easy) process from this sankey diagram 📊 🔗…

Elly Hsieh

The process of getting started at a new company can be draining 🤯, but there's an amazing feeling that comes with delving into a whole new industry and gaining new knowledge (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)

Elly Hsieh

Happy doggo send you nice weekend energy 💓💓💓

Elly Hsieh

I love mechanical keyboards but I really don't want to build or mod them ( ˘•ω•˘ )

Elly Hsieh

Dreamy sunset…

Elly Hsieh

After working with computers for so many years, I found it hard to read a book, in the sense that my mind kept drifting away to think about something else. I'm wondering do you have any good tips on how to go into a deep reading mode. 📖