Posts, a community app by

Ester Stori
Ester Stori

New privacy breach from Adobe just dropped

Ester Stori

Twitter is quickly becoming a masterclass in what *not* to do when it comes to user experience. Hiding the block and mute features only make the site even more unsafe and ripe for abuse

Ester Stori

It’s pride month, when after effects crashes I can confidently say it’s homophobic

Ester Stori

A bit scared of opening Figma after the new drafts update

Ester Stori

If anyone has time or feels curious, there’s a very nice AMA with Ridd on Layers going on right now👇…

Layers A home for designers
Share work, connect with other designers, discover jobs and get hired.
Ester Stori

Some more recent icons. I love how this project is shaping up!