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Oluwafemi Olajimbiti
Oluwafemi Olajimbiti

After years of putting it off, I’ve finally launched my portfolio! 🚀 This journey taught me that growth often happens in the messiest, most unexpected ways. I’d love for you to check it out: I’m open to UX/UI Design roles & opportunities in Canada.

Bora @bora

The creative process ✨ Discover — Read a lot. Observe the world. Notice. Collect — Record anything that strikes you. Generate — Build on your notes to brainstorm ideas. Combine — Connect previously unconnected ideas. Refine — Edit, edit, edit. Select the best.

Oluwafemi Olajimbiti

After years of putting it off, I’ve finally launched my portfolio! 🚀 This journey taught me that growth often happens in the messiest, most unexpected ways. I’d love for you to check it out: I’m open to UX/UI Design roles & opportunities in Canada.

Cordell Orel

I dig the tutorial of the character by Jonathan Lindgren on C4D. Just I’m doing it with Arnold instead of Redshift like in the tuto and sometimes it’s painful. 😸