Posts, a community app by

Filipe Soares
Filipe Soares reposted
Jesús Llancare

Experimental practice

Filipe Soares reposted

Damn. So nice this new variable custom font: Spotify Mix 😍

Filipe Soares

Love doing rebrand reels

Filipe Soares

Struggling to accept Tailwind! I understand why people like it, but placing every single property in the HTML looks unnatural. Maybe this is a problem with CSS itself in the era of components and scalability

Filipe Soares

Love when I'm able to escape Figma and craft/code my interactions to the extreme detail

Filipe Soares reposted
Chia Amisola

For the past four years, I've been collecting YouTube comments left under love songs... ❤️ is my collection of these – centering the love, loss, and longing by the stories we tell in the comments section.. now with 500+ comments + song recs curated by me