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Wojtek Witkowski
Replying to @flomerboy

no, never. i take days off when i don’t get enough sleep and know my productivity will be close to zero. maybe you need a more chill team that doesn’t guilt trip you into working when you should be resting

Ryan Mather
Replying to @wojtek

Hi Wojtek I have an amazing and supportive team. The guilt is all self-imposed

Wojtek Witkowski
Replying to @flomerboy

they’re so amazing you don’t want to leave them hanging? that’s a good problem to have then

Robin Chen
Replying to @flomerboy

After catching COVID a few times I had a hard time justifying calling out sick for a cold recently because while it sucked I wasn’t debilitated from it.

Ryan Mather
Replying to @robinchen

EXACTLY like I’m alive so???

Cory Etzkorn
Replying to @flomerboy

Just say you’re puking your brains out and no one will question. I feel ya tho.

Cory Runnells
Replying to @flomerboy

My thought is it better to let yourself recover by taking the day off, vs fighting through it. I was sick last week and took a few days off. Mostly knowing that I wouldn’t be productive at all.

Maximilian Dahl
Replying to @flomerboy

At the beginning but now it's the opposite. Still I also have slower days when not feeling good.

Replying to @flomerboy

totally agree!! to me, it almost feels like i don’t deserve the rest because i already work from home 🫠

Julius Tarng
Replying to @flomerboy

radicalize yourself by reading anti work literature and it becomes very easy 🤼‍♀️