Posts, a community app by

Cory Runnells
Cory Runnells

We took a walk today to get ice cream. My kids are on spring break and since I now freelance, I can do fun stuff like this with my children.

Cory Runnells

Go away winter. Please???

My backyard covered in freshly fallen snow.
Cory Runnells

Having some fun messing around on the weekend. Took my “Flowman” logo and converted it into a LEGO mosaic using Bricklink Studio 2.0.

A LEGO mosaic version of the “Flowman” logo.
Cory Runnells reposted

Good morning, my friends! Super excited to share one of the first products we've been working on over at Webprints. Introducing: Stackerr (Beta) Easily store, manage, and share Webflow components.

Stackerr Webflow Library Component Manager
Create custom Webflow Libraries and share them with friends and colleagues.
Cory Runnells

I just want to make enough money to travel with my family and buy more LEGO sets. Is that too much to ask?

Cory Runnells

Been playing around with Spline this week. My nephew built me a custom Flowman LEGO head, which I then rebuilt in 3D. Imported that 3D mode into Spline and made this,…