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Started ADHD treatment about 2 months ago with a non-stimulant medication for treatment. It’s been a lot easier regulating emotion but was still having a hard time with a lot of the exec function symptoms. I was ready to switch up my treatment until…


I had a hard realization that the emotional regulation was going so well that it also took a lot of the emotions I relied on for my origin of action. I relied a lot on just waiting for my body to be screaming until I am able to do anything 😭.


This mind you did NOT work before, which is why i feel so silly to even just say “okay I’ll just think or tell myself to do the thing and I do the thing? But to my surprise the past two weeks I somehow was able to “do things” that I tell myself to do.


The symptoms are definitely still there but I am finding myself in a place where i feel like I hit the reset button and I kind of have to relearn a lot of things. Relearning origins of actions, new signals, new feelings, new routines.


It’s overwhelming but I feel like this is the first time in a while that I feel like I’ve seen progress


Talked to a lot of my friends for the past couple of weeks and somehow landed at a “straightforward” way to go about things. What if I just tell myself to _do the thing_?