Posts, a community app by

Francesco Imola
Francesco Imola

Is there a way to temporarily hide or disable my posts profile (but not my cv)? I need to take a break from being on too many socials at one and I want to hide my profile from people looking it up.

Francesco Imola

Lately I’ve been struggling to find enjoyment or meaning in posting here, or on socials in general. Truth is, I’m not sure anymore what actually drives people (not businesses) these days to share updates online. Is there more beyond a need for attention/acceptance?

Francesco Imola

Show me a more cursed puzzle, I’ll wait

Wacky puzzle found  called “proud to be British” featuring several pictures of British royalty, Buckingham palace, and people wearing Union Jack clothes
Francesco Imola

Who would have thought that a rescue husky could pull so hard on a leash that it would take two people to hold her

Francesco Imola

Went collaging with friends and strangers at the pub the other day and went all in on the “rebuild” theme 😬 I cut and pasted dozens of parks from an old British map to form a fictional town, made entirely of green space.

Map of a fictional town made up entirely of green space. All pieces collages from bits of an old map of Britain.
Francesco Imola

I'll be hosting my first HTML freewrite later this month. I'm feeling pretty excited that it's actually happening! If you live nearby Folkestone and fancy some website-making on 23 June, you know where we'll be!

Promotional image featuring graphic design with: on the left, a poem about website-making, and on the right, the details about the event (location, time, date). All info is available on the website.