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Jvlien @jvlien
Replying to @frederiklyngaa

*Great* advice for experienced designers who need to develop adjacent skills. Beginners need guidance and actionable first steps. This would be too big a challenge, I think.

Replying to @jvlien

No one Said it had to be perfect or that you should not get guidance. A wobbly app or a basic product. Its all about learning What goes in to creating something. To me learning early that you Can build stuff on your own is super empowering.

Jvlien @jvlien
Replying to @frederiklyngaa

Building stuff != Learning to build stuff effectively. You have a good point, I have learned so many things by figuring my way out. But I wouldn’t just tell a young designer to go figure things out. Cubs first learn to hunt with elders.

Replying to @jvlien

Guidance is good :)