Posts, a community app by

Ron Bronson
Replying to @george.berdovskiy

Agreed but I get that this won't be Twitter replacement and for some people having access to scale is more important than smaller, thoughtful one-off interactions.

George Berdovskiy
Replying to @ron

Hmm very true, and something I didn't consider! Everyone has different needs I suppose?

Replying to @george.berdovskiy

It is still 2023 and only time will tell what will stay. As far as Meta and it's products are concerned, what many do not understand is that it is not Zuck who is behind them. Neither he decides, nor he controls. He's simply a poster-boy!

George Berdovskiy

I'm sure he has some say in these things 😉

Replying to @george.berdovskiy

I hesitate to jump in there as well, due to what damage they wrought with Facebook. I don’t trust the leadership of that company. I hang onto Instagram cause it’s the last place I am connected to certain friends but I don’t like what they’ve done to Instagram either.

Replying to @george.berdovskiy

By observing behavioral changes that a product brings to individual, family and society, one can easily understand intention behind the product & their creators. The day society reject such products, their ecosystems starts falling which can be seen post silence-via-lockdown.