Posts, a community app by

Darian Rosebrook

Hey y’all! Can we get an #introductions thread going? (Also, search doesn’t work for posts so I couldn’t scroll far back to see if any was created) There’s many new and familiar faces, and it’s cool to see so many great types of designers all together. Share some stuff!

Luca Burgio
Replying to @giayoung @darianrosebrook

Welcome! Would love to know more about the Design Ops initiatives you’re running at Instacart @giayoung

Gia (geee-uh)
Replying to @lbg @darianrosebrook

Hi 👋🏻 @lbg currently rolling out a brand new design system and launching an accessibility program from scratch. Quite an adventure 😄

Replying to @giayoung @darianrosebrook

hello hello! 👀