Posts, a community app by

Gonzalo Soto
Gonzalo Soto

🙋🏽‍♂️ Does anybody know of any good resources to see motion patterns in different apps?

Gonzalo Soto

🤗 open sourcing the full app generate full courses using gpt-3.5 get further reading links using Exa's api talk to an ai tutor fully built w/ typescript, next js, and tailwind + framer motion code:…

Gonzalo Soto

Would anybody be interested in completing design bounties (similar to Replit)? 👉 Someone submits an existing screen / component / page ✋ You send them your portfolio (apply) 🤑 Get paid if you get chosen to complete the task

Gonzalo Soto

custom course generation is loooking smoooth :) very happy with this. going to make iwannalearn as delightful as possible 💖

Gonzalo Soto

had a blast working on this 💖 iWannaLearn is an educational tool that creates bite-sized lessons on any topic or subject 📚 it's been helping me keep up with my New Year's resolution to learn something outside of my traditional scope of work every week comment and ill send it

Table of contents for a course on Incan Civilization
Gonzalo Soto reposted
Jenny Xie

sometimes you just need some music instead of another business podcast