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some branding projects I’ve done recently 🌱

hannah reposted
Garry Ing

Hosting HTML (Day) in the Park with @ross and @tianadueck on July 13th in Toronto. Freewrite in the park with picnic blankets, snacks, and sparkly water ❇️

HTML in the Park
HTML is behind every website we view. Every day, HTML is all around us. Come write some in the park together!
hannah reposted
Kosuke Futsukaichi

Long shot, but by any chance, does anyone know any Japanese-speaking designers (ideally living in Japan)? My team is looking to hire more UI Designers in the near future.

hannah reposted
Erica Fustero

For the third month in a row, in April I also made a drawing a day. 💫 May, here I go!…


one of the spoopy illustrations i did for aave’s rebrand 👻 tag urself im the one with the tiny hat


it’s may and time is passing too fast but this month’s calendar illustrations is one of my faves so i guess it’s ok..!