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Matthew Paul

Here’s where my ADHD brain just instantly took me: What was it like for school bus drivers, having to remember routes before the maps/GPS technologies of today? (especially for disabled children who need to be dropped off at home with visual confirmation—more complex routes)

Olivia Cheng
Replying to @matthewctraul

You got in a couple practice runs of the routes but that was it, then you were on your own. I definitely made a number of mistakes. First real paying job I ever had and it was stressful as heck 😅

Matthew Paul
Replying to @heyitsolivia

That’s a wild first paying job lol. Mine was making smoothies after Jamba Juice inside a Whole Foods and I got fired after 1 week (I was a mischievous teenager) lol

Matthew Paul
Replying to @heyitsolivia

Definitely free smoothies =) The job I took when I got to university was A/V tech for all various campus events and big on-campus concerts. I got to set up the stage, do sound checks, and lights for some pretty rad bands and rappers back in those years. Feels like a lifetime ago!

Olivia Cheng
Replying to @matthewctraul

amazing! we also have some overlap there… I got to do some lighting and stage work on campus. It was for plays for the theater students, so definitely not as cool nor as big of a set up as your experience! still super fun :)