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Intelligent email built for speed - Tatem
Make productivity your superpower. Get through your work faster and save hours each week.
Moritz Kindler
Replying to @thomccc

The website is absolutely dope and really hypes me up. (As I’m still using tempo, because there isn’t anything better on the market) There’s just one bug that you can’t enter your mail in the waitlist at the bottom, as it’s invisible when you select it.

Moritz Kindler
Replying to @interqualia @thomccc

Haha, I hope so too. My wish is just to have a maintained mail client in the style of tempo with ai capabilities.

Chris LaFerla
Replying to @moritzkindler @interqualia @thomccc

Excited to have you try Tatem, and to hear your feedback. I'm confident - with time and iteration - we'll deliver the best possible email experience. We're really building this out of passion - we LOVE tools, and are so excited for mail to be our first.

Moritz Kindler
Replying to @interqualia @thomccc

btw just messaged you on ig

Tevin ✧
Replying to @moritzkindler @thomccc
