Posts, a community app by

Tevin ✧
Tevin ✧ reposted
Facu Montanaro

WIP / kundo / 01-AS-V1 First exploration by @agusegui

Tevin ✧

You know, it's pretty interesting to see becoming some thing of a time capsule with it being set to read-only. Could be cool to have a platform that creates those little capsules for people to look back into.

Tevin ✧ reposted
Replying to @taurean

Yes, Posts almost feels like a well run old school web forum when it comes to interactions, but with a modern social network UI

Tevin ✧ reposted
Taurean Bryant

I've got a lot of thoughts on what comes next after posts. If you're considering building a successor or you're interested in joining one, hopefully this is valuable to you:…

A call for a posts successor - tbl
A call for a posts successor - tbl
Tevin ✧ reposted
Charlsy Yang

saw someone asking for community icons so i published mine, so happy and honored to have contributed!!… Community Icon | Figma
Alternative icon for