Posts, a community app by

Craig Philips
Craig Philips

Labels? Where we’re going we dont need..labels.

Craig Philips

#throwback to some icon design from back in the day. Thinking of re-doing this set and modernising it for 2023 (The idea of hand-drawing that mountain again scares me)

Craig Philips reposted
Micah Panama

About as good as it gets

Craig Philips

I have strong opinions loosely held on design systems, not sure if it’s too early to start this conversation but suffice to say; if facilitating good conversations isnt part of company culture, a design system won’t save it.

Craig Philips reposted
Marcel Bechler

I have a thing for segmented controls 👀

Craig Philips reposted

We have this one, pure moment on this platform. Can we not growth hack here? Would be great to just be real and fun and talk about what we are passionate about in a human way