Posts, a community app by

James Wrigley
James Wrigley

Waitlist is now live for the Edit & Modify app! Sign up for the newsletter and the first 100 people to sign up will be added to receive TestFlight emails soon : App is only on iOS :

Edit & Modify
Lightweight image editing tools and resources without the clutter of social media.
James Wrigley

Project is now live! I’m extremely excited to be launching this project and my first app for iOS. Edit & Modify is a growing collection of resources and lightweight image editing tools. Waitlist for beta testers will be released this Friday.

James Wrigley

Very excited to launch Edit & Modify : : An experimental and personal non-profit project dedicated to visual imagery and post-production. Waitlist and App launching for Beta testing soon.

James Wrigley

Copy and paste edits quickly across multiple images is now working. I’m excited to share that beta testing and waitlist will released next week. Full project details coming very soon and I can’t wait to share everything!

James Wrigley

Finally got the custom collections working nearly perfectly, now there is a full Feed for all images but you can have custom collections to organise images or upload straight to a collection. Bottom Sheet could do with some tweaks I don’t know how to stop those rounded corners…