Good luck! Let’s hope things finally change for the better 🫶
When we diversify business, everyone benefits. Would love anyone’s support on this, honestly nervous to put myself out there so openly queer, but it feels more important than ever. ❤️
Id love to help out financially too when I find my feet and land a new job! Things are just so hectic right now 😅
Awh thanks, honestly no worries at all, I’ve been there recently too! Times are extra tough rn 😬 LOVE your illustrations tho, someone will be very lucky to have you on their team! 🤘
Looks great! Really like the color palette and the model is well-explained. Anything specific you’re looking for feedback / support on?
Ahhhh, thanks so much, Daniel! ☺️🙏 Ideally, looking for 9 companies/entrepreneurs to match my sponsorship of £100/month, to give the fund a really solid foundation, alternatively individuals who’d be happy to ditch one coffee out a week and donate £5/month to the fund instead ☕️