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Zach Shea
Replying to @janeyswork

I try to start with "Ok so just so we're on the same page..." or some variant of that. If at that point they still have a problem, I don't care, especially if they don't say anything.

Replying to @zs

Thanks for sharing

Replying to @zs

I don’t get to move through the world with the same level of privilege as you, but I’m glad your strategy works for you.

Zach Shea
Replying to @janeyswork

It's more of a realization. For a long time I was very worried about how I came across. It wasn't until recently that I understand I'm not responsible for others' feelings or perceptions. It has led to a lot of freedom in this area.

Replying to @janeyswork

YES! Literally was just with this…

Replying to @wstruye

It's really hard and I ask A LOT of questions because I'm genuinely interested and want to know more details but people get defensive and feel A Certain Way. I wish my face looked confused all the time and then maybe people would give me some grace.