Posts, a community app by

Zach Shea
Zach Shea

Regal designers going crazy

Zach Shea

I have to write documentation for a design system I'm making for a client. Problem is, I hate writing. So I tried to make it more fun by making these nice little cards 😬

Zach Shea

Whoever worked on the new UX for the Wawa kiosks, thank you 🙏

Zach Shea

Ok, if I'm gonna do this whole single-person design studio thing, what are the pits I should look out for? Any major learnings from anyone who's doing this?

Zach Shea

today I read a comment dissing jacob collier for playing a five-string guitar. bruh.

Zach Shea

I have like 4 personal projects I want to work on and keep changing my mind on which one I want to do first. They're all so cool that I get nothing done instead lol