Posts, a community app by

Javier Arce
Javier Arce

I often think that if it weren’t for having to work, I’d be a much more interesting, creative, happy, accomplished, adventurous, healthy, mindful, patient, relaxed, and knowledgeable person… just to name a few things.

Javier Arce

I added attachment downloads to the Manager plugin:…

Javier Arce

" Manager", my Obsidian plugin that lets you interact with your blocks and channels is out! You can install it from Obsidian's Community Plugins or wherever you get your Obsidian plugins:…

Plugins - Obsidian
With hundreds of plugins and our open API, it's easy to tailor Obsidian to fit your personal workflow.
Javier Arce

If you are in this picture, I have something for you.

A Venn diagram showing the logos of and Obsidian.
Javier Arce

Soooo where are all the creative technologists slash creative developers slah digital artists slash interactive designers slash computational poets hiding in Barcelona?

Javier Arce

Now my online computer (er, blog) knows when I'm using my physical computer. It also works when I open and close the lid.