Posts, a community app by

Jonathon Colman
Jonathon Colman

“Violence has no place in a democratic political system, and we condemn this despicable act. Yet we must also acknowledge that no one has done more to inject violence into our political discourse than Trump.”…

Donald Trump and the language of violence
No one has done more to frame American politics in violent terms
Jonathon Colman

I would like to publicly acknowledge that choosing southernmost Spain for holiday in July may not have been my best decision ever. 🥵

Jonathon Colman

I don’t always fly RyanAir, but when I do, there’s a three-hour delay.

Jonathon Colman


Jonathon Colman

Voted in my first Irish election today! 🧡 🇮🇪 Things that were awesome: ✅ Polling station was 8 minutes from home ✅ No line or waiting ✅ Check-in took seconds ✅ Clear and simple ballot design ✅ Ranked choice voting! Things that were *not* awesome: ❌ No "I voted" sticker