Was talking to someone about how we're on the verge of losing the internet to corporate interests forever and find myself incredibly angry at how even the smartest technologists I know are content to just roll over and take it
I'll leave with this: As designers (in technology), our job has very little to do with icons and buttons and the endless pursuit of beautiful things. Our job is to understand all of the possible futures that exist and shepherd people to the right one through things they can see
I think this might be the loveliest way I've ever heard the core concept of what it means to be a user experience designer/practitioner ever explained.
I also ponder a lot on how the rise of the cloud and development frameworks and no code has been a false democratization of tech. It's made "creating" more accessible, but in exchange has created a rather insidious reliance on a few large tech companies.
I often think of the false unification of designers who believe the former and the designers who know the latter. The latter is hard and requires years. I don’t think most people who put pixels on things are more than digital painters who hold opinions they can’t justify