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Jamie Sigadel

Figma changing UI3 panels to not be floating seems like a good decision based on the beta feedback aka everyone hating on it

Kenneth Mark Dsouza
Replying to @jsiggy

But did UI3 actually solve anything for the user? I cant honestly say i saw any improvements. What the editor needed was enhancements. What they shipped was a re-organization of elements.

Kenneth Mark Dsouza
Replying to @jsiggy… remembered @cwodtke's post on this topic

Users don’t hate change. They hate you.
The 9x Effect Applies to Redesigns Too
Jamie Sigadel
Replying to @kend @cwodtke

@jedmund had some good insight on this while back as someone who has worked at Figma/worked with the teams there.. It was a good reminder to me how not everything is how it seems from the outside