Posts, a community app by

Jeff M
Jeff M

Love this explanation of what happened to xwitter: “Enshittification” the process by which a platform lures in and then captures end users.. and then allocates all the value they generate and exchange to itself..…

Pluralistic: Leaving Twitter had no effect of NPR’s traffic (14 Oct 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
Jeff M

Here on this app I keep seeing what I think is a bug - it happens all the time but its hard to reproduce consistently. When I’m scrolling with my thumb on the left side, I swipe up and it selects the post when I’m not expecting it to. Anyone else seeing this?

Jeff M

Developing your own product concept from the ground up an experience - navigating a creative wilderness of you’re own making. I find design research and product management methodology helps you feel sane.

Jeff M

New use case for ChatGPT: crafting alternate reality narratives about your life in real time “Short story in the style of Raymond Carver about a guy who has to clean his garage but doesn’t want to”

Jeff M

Great intersection of research, history and digital art: 3D reconstruction of Tenochtitlan by by Thomas Kole, check it out. Aztec empire is fascinating: tenochtitlan.thomaskol…

a portrait of Tenochtitlan
a 3D reconstruction of the capital of the Aztec Empire