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Spring 🏳️‍🌈
Replying to @jennywen

i grow plants from kitchen scraps, ie white+root of scallions. keepe in water,wait 2 weeks, plant in dirt. i've been doing this since the start of the pandemic and now the scallions pop up by themselves (perennials?!). fun way to bridge the hardscrabble with the boogie.

May-Li Khoe
Replying to @spring @jennywen

I love doing this and it feels miraculous every time! 🌱✨

Spring 🏳️‍🌈
Replying to @mayli @jennywen

once i figured out that every fruit and vegetable in the grocery store can be made into 50 more based on seeds or roots alone...i was never the same. especially "live herbs" which is just a tiny plant. my immigrant mind: "this is cheaper than home depot!"