Posts, a community app by

Jina Anne
Jina Anne

1 year down.

Celebratory image of the duolingo owl with shades on and firey wings like a phoenix. It says “I’m on a 365 day learning streak!”
Jina Anne

I’ve always suspected I have mild dyslexia due to the number of times I misread words. Now I’ve learned that mixing up number sequences is also a symptom. Yesterday, I triggered an alarm because I kept putting the numbers in the wrong order. I do this a LOT with numbers. 🫠

Jina Anne

I used to say the word “mindful” all the time. But now it is impossible for me to not immediately associate it with “demure”. 😆

Jina Anne

I was very impressed with how XOXO handled Covid safety, in an inclusive, non-policey-type way and the community attendees that embraced it. I definitely took some mental notes for future events.

Jina Anne

After Brad Frost’s #Frostapalooza last week and #XOXO this week, my heart is really full, and I am reminded how much I love the web (and web-adjacent) community and the decade(s)-long (and new) friends I have made from it along the way. 💜

Jina Anne

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. God bless the 4pm checkout.