Posts, a community app by

Julian Paul
Julian Paul

Waiting for success to happen to you? » Make sure you happen to it instead. «

Julian Paul

I’ve come to realize that any level of startup success you’ll have depends on your ability to be wrong. Hundreds. Thousands of times. » Wrong teaches right. « Learn to grow.

Julian Paul

Dont do it for the money, status or fame. Those don’t remain. Do it for the person you need to become in the process. Your character remains.

Julian Paul

Just the coolest collection of sound hardware in the smallest space imaginable. 🔮

Julian Paul

If you want to stand out in your business niche, you need to be perceived as the fastest time to value. Speed is an entrepreneur's best friend. » Amplify the difference. «

Julian Paul

Luxury is really misunderstood... It's all about: emotional benefit > functional benefit. ‣ Who do you aspire to be? ‣ What aligns with your values? ‣ How do you want to get noticed? This benefit game is so different from selling on competitive advantages…