Posts, a community app by

Karl Koch
Karl Koch reposted
Hugo Raymond

@kejk and I have been posting up a bunch of different design engineer-y type roles on Let us know if you know anyone else who's hiring so we can add some more in :D

Karl Koch reposted
Emil Widlund

Designers apparently don’t want to code. Fine. Then I’ll just build a composable & programmable design environment for you then.

Karl Koch

Calling all you design engineers, UI engineers, design technologists, UX engineers, or whatever you call yourselves. @_hraymond and I are working on something new for you. We’ll have more to share soon. Join the waitlist today.

Empowering Design Engineers with learning resources, job opportunities, expert insights, and skills demonstration.
Karl Koch
Karl Koch @kejk

The more we use tools like ChatGPT or even Webflow/Framer, the easier it is to lose sight of how things are actually made. These tools are great, but understand how they work, to some degree, is essential.…

KEJK | Farm to table design: our growing distance from software creation
The consequences of a disconnection from Production
Karl Koch
Karl Koch @kejk

As a designer, I spend more time doing something, being told to change it, only to be told "can we try X" which was the original thing I did and they asked to change. Stop it.

Karl Koch
Karl Koch @kejk

I’ve been seeing a lot of designers recently schilling their services on the ex-bird app, and most of the time the quality sucks and feels like stuff from Fiverr.…

KEJK | On the commercialisation and commoditisation of design
The rise of design subscriptions, commercialisation, and unrealistic expectations