Posts, a community app by

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene

The not-work-related corner of my home office.

Kevin Greene reposted
Will Truran
Replying to @willtruran

One of my favorites was Weapons of Mass Creation in Cleveland, as seen here with @kevingreene

Kevin Greene

It’s 12:30 pm and I have yet to do anything today. I’m justifying it because it should be 11:30 am. That doesn’t help much. I want a bagel.

Kevin Greene

I’d love a bookmark feature so I can reference posts later.

Kevin Greene

In the past two years woodworking has become another creative outlet. What hobbies do you have outside of design?

Kevin Greene reposted

We have this one, pure moment on this platform. Can we not growth hack here? Would be great to just be real and fun and talk about what we are passionate about in a human way