While building a landing page for my project, I've tried a few no-code solutions (super.so, tally.so). But finally creating a custom one with nextjs based on this nice template github.com/leoMirandaa/sh… Hope will finish soon 👨💻
Tips in this video of learning Norwegian inspired me a lot to start building Monoflash app and to implement the idea of only one side of the card youtube.com/watch?v=uWQYqc… Highly recommend if you're a language learner currently (no matter which language btw).
How I learnt Norwegian on my own
Hi, my name is Ilys, I was born and raised in France, and today I have lived in Norway for 3 years. Since the beginning, moving to Norway hasn't felt like moving away from home, but going home. Today it really much feels like I have two homes, and like family or friends, I love both France and Norway equally, but for total different reasons. I learnt Norwegian on my own and am today totally fluent, and on this channel I want to help you learn for Norwegian to become whatever you want it to become for you. I have gotten so many questions about how I learnt Norwegian, and today I finally made a video where I try to answer to many questions I have gotten, and where I explain how I learnt, as well as to give you recommendations for which sources to use. I really hope that this video will help you in your journey, Ilys
Klim Semenov reposted
Come work with me at Sierra or tell your design friends!! We're hiring our first ✨ brand designer 🧑🎨!! 👉 jobs.ashbyhq.com/Sierra/a5402a9…