Posts, a community app by


I'm reevaluating my lifestyle and focus on my health post-surgery. It's kind of like a "new year, new me" situation but for real this time. I don’t know how to feel about all this. It hasn't been easy but I'm motivated to make it work.…

What Was I Made For?
I don’t know how to feel, but someday, I might

Anyone want Cosmos invite?


I talk about Kukuk’s Nest and how shutting down the place hurt. I've been reminiscing about the plethora of experiences I've had there for the past 3 months — the good, the bad, and everything in between.

Salamat, Kukuk's
Thank you for being both a creative canvas and a welcoming haven

Why label your company as "remote-first" if you only hire from the United States?

Kush reposted
David Quiring

I’m working on the next generation of Email. For this Widget, I took inspiration from the amazing Flighty App—one of my favorites. Unleashing the power of real-time data from your inbox has so much more to offer. Stay tuned for what’s coming next…

Kush reposted
Andy Chung

Good morning! Super excited to launch some big updates to profiles on! Our new writing tab gives you the power to publish a blog, journal, or anything word-related right on your profile, and attachments and text editing are now richer and more flexible ✨