The colored chips should eventually float back to home! Look at how the "Cubism" game on Oculus Quest does this.
Fresh new personal website is out! Well, this is still work in progress — I can never settle on a final design — but thought I’d share my progress so far! If anybody has tips for building out projects (or case studies) drop a comment down below! :)
SVGs are vector-based files, so they are preferred over PNGs. Both file and website are optimised for multiple browsers and devices and seem to be in working order, so it could be on your end.
That was a deliberate design decision as I didn’t want the badge to stand out as much, so I applied a higher zero index on other elements to keep the badge under the text.
Nice website Laura. One thing I noticed is on mobile (Android => Chrome) I need to tap/click twice on About and Contact button in order to work. Is that intentional or bug?

Hey, potentially a bug, but not seeing it on my end — would you be able to upload a video showing the issue? That would help me a lot, thanks!