Posts, a community app by

Leary Labanlic
Leary Labanlic

Took a long design and posting break. napped too long

Leary Labanlic

my 73 years young immigrant dad asked me after kareoke if 'subscribing' to a channel on YouTube costs anything. I said its free. He was shook.

Leary Labanlic

Phil!! WongFu Productions!!! His cafe Bopomofo!!!

Leary Labanlic

I love finding alternatives to mainstream products. I used Notion, but now I much prefer for second-brain/knowledge management. Think Notion + Obsidian features. ahh something about blending big features, small product teams, and new approaches jogs my brain

Capacities – A studio for your mind
A powerful note-taking tool. All your ideas – typed and connected.

No more asking strangers "Hey could you watch my stuff for a bit" I’ve made an app that lets you alarm your MacBook 💻 when you go away to do something and if someone tries taking your laptop while you’re gone, it gives you a call on your Apple Watch + Phone. 🔗