Posts, a community app by

Lisa Guo
Lisa Guo

We did that meme thing of drawing each other LOL

Lisa Guo

At which point do you give up on a book you don’t enjoy? I used to always push through. Now I don’t. Curious what yall think!

Lisa Guo

Corn related garden tragedy. What do we think? 🦝? 🐀? 🐇? 🐿️?

Lisa Guo

Not Apple spending dat cash on a Mother Nature marketing campaign instead of making their products reasonable to repair - lmao girl how am I gonna pay $400 to repair my watch????

Lisa Guo

Clear phone case turning that gnarly yellow, scrolling around looking at phone cases when I realized - IM A GIRL WITH SPRAY PAINT AND MOD PODGE AND MARKERS!!!

Lisa Guo

Yall seen the moon today? 🌝