Posts, a community app by

Lois Yang

Do you see designers hired from different from those from LinkedIn (or other traditional professional network)?

Dan Perrera
Replying to @lois

As someone who is fortunate enough to have brought @smnmmnn on to my team. I’m confident in saying that we wouldn’t have met if not for I think there’s some special magic to young and focused communities like this.

Dan Perrera
Replying to @lois @smnmmnn

In other channels I found the volume of applicants was completely asymmetric. Here I feel like I got to know @smnmmnn more. It also didn't hurt that he had a unusual approach to the process, but I can let him share that if he's willing to.

Simon Ammann
Replying to @dperrera @lois

The job I got was the one I didn‘t apply for. Instead I started a conversation with @dperrera, we discovered some common ground, and took it from there. No filling out forms, no CV pdfs, no recruiters. More human, less process.