Introducing Variations – a React library built for rapid prototyping and design exploration. Inspired by my team at Goldcast who use code as a design tool:…
At the end of last year I made an app to capture and document very early ideas when I ran out of pages in the free TLDraw that I used at work. It's called Gesso – if it's up your alley, I'd love your feedback:
Been spending too much time thinking about social networks and why spaces like this one are always short lived. It's such an interesting problem because traction can kill the space if there's not an underlying business model underneath the network.
Posts starter pack for Bluesky – it's not the same but it'll have to do for now:
Based on reviewing ~80 product design portfolios so far, it is clear that Framer is winning the designer mindshare. If you're looking for your next gig, join us:…