Posts, a community app by

luan ✦
luan ✦

tech can become exclusionary when we insist on making it convoluted. when this happens: its benefits become far less accessible, and its shortcomings are potentially more harmful—precisely because key stakeholders do not have the opportunity to join the conversation.

luan ✦

1978 vespa. london

This photograph is of an old Vespa, that is parked at the end of a residential street called 'Park Square West', in North West London. Its yellow paint is beginning to discolour, and it is slightly chipped around some parts of the scooter - further showing its age. The owner has left their orange helmet tucked at its base. The photo's backdrop is a beautiful private residential park, with vibrant green and purple trees that tower over the its black gates.
luan ✦

features such as haptics in video games, and in mobile applications are so important. human-computer interaction design starts with empathy, and demands a level of meticulousness that (I believe) can only be taught to a certain point.

luan ✦

TP-7 field recorder

The TP-7 field recorder by Teenage Engineering.
luan ✦

as an artist, you must romanticize even the smallest aspects of life. it's imperative to the soul.

luan ✦

Slow design — via Little Arc

'Slow design' initiative by Studio Family