Posts, a community app by

Lucas Cufré
Lucas Cufré

I don’t know who’s the writer for the slack app deployments but I want to be their friend

Lucas Cufré reposted
Noah Conk

Cynicism about the job market is valid/understandable, and expressing frustration is okay. Negativity loves company; however, it’s not fair to contribute to fear or anxiety in others. Staying hopeful, motivated, and supportive is essential.

Lucas Cufré reposted
Noah Conk

Why do designers need to jump through so many hoops… - Resume - Portfolio website - Case studies - KPI’s - Research - Mock-ups - Videos - Portfolio PDF - Portfolio presentation - Multiple interviews - *Take-home challenge (All need to be designed as well) 🙃

Lucas Cufré reposted
Vyshnav Gangadharan

Good design isn’t about making pretty things. It’s about organising information in an easy-to-understand way.

Lucas Cufré

So. Quick question, I just started a new position this week. What are the top things you look for when starting at a new company?

Lucas Cufré

An exploration on an OTC trade "center". A place where the user could check up on the state of their current and past trade proposals.

design of a table with cards for an "over-the-counter" trade center for a crypto platform. It showcases several cards with the information of the currencies about to be exchanged, with whom it is intended to be exchanged, when it expires and what set number it refers to.
It also allows the user to filter on several fields and change the view of the table via tabs.